Hi again!

I just wanted to say thanks for helping hit the Motherlover debut out of the park – the response was INCREDIBLE and I’m so so so excited to keep working on this comic knowing that everyone else is excited too! It was super gratifying to take copies of the first chapter to VanCAF and be able to actually geek out about gay moms with people in person.

Motherlover is going to update weekly on Wednesdays, so check back this time next week for the next page! You can also:

– tell someone about the comic using the handy share buttons!
follow the comic on Facebook!
yell about moms with me on Twitter!
support the comic on Patreon!
– peruse the fanart people have made for the comic!
– go read my other comic!



Panel 1 (Two suburban homes)

Panel 2 (Alex’s cellphone, displaying a text message conversation)
Eris: I just don’t think it’s possible to make it work. It’s probably best if we don’t talk for a while. It hurts too much.
Alex: Okay.
Alex: I get it.
Alex: Let me know when you want to talk again.
Alex, inset: Hey, I hope you’re doing okay. I just wanted to let you know that I’ve moved and I still have some of your stuff, so whenever you’re ready, just text me and we can figure it out.

Panel 3 (Alex standing in the middle of her room, looking at her phone.)

Panel 4 (Alex sighs as someone yells from off the page)
Nolan: Mom! Pika’s in Grandma and Grandpa’s room again!”