Chapter: Chapter 9: Forsaking All Others
brb going back in time to kick Monday Lindsay’s ass for thinking inking and colouring Alex’s parents’ formal sitting room was going to take ‘no more than four hours’, aaaaaaahahahahaha~
Anyway, look! It’s Alex! Alex is in this comic!
(Another page with no dialogue! Alex is reading in her (parents’) formal sitting room, still partially moved-in. She is reading her brother’s self-help book, Living with Purpose (from chapter six) and taking notes on questions to ask him. She is perturbed by a knock at the door.)
“sleeby puppy on the couch” is an important transcript note ✨
I love that dog so much
(also… conspicuously removed photos)
The slightly less faded spots where pictures used to hang are a great detail.
If it’s any consolation, it’s a really pretty room.
oh my god. Alex is reading her brother’s book and taking it seriously.
oh my god. She came to Alex’s place to sleep instead of sleeping on her own being sad (I assume the knock is Imogen PLEASE let it not be a fakeout).
I’m just so excited by this page
This made me cry and want my gal pal
GET THE DOOR; IT’S YOUR FUTURE WIFE. (or we’re all hoping so.)
what who is this? is this not just a comic about a woman going through a tragic event?
Sometimes it’s a comic about another woman going through a different tragic event!