Eiji’s boyfriend has a name! And a speaking role! And a just absolutely terrible fit that screams ‘I came straight from work for this.’

Sorry, Marcus. You can’t have everything.


Panels 1-3 (no dialogue; scene change to the emergency room of a hospital. A man – who readers may recognize from a previous chapter as Eiji’s boyfriend – walks through the hallway carrying a tray of coffees.)

Panel 4 (The man hands out a coffee to Imogen while they stand and talk)
Eiji: …I came down in the ambulance with her; Marcus is going to drive me back to the trailhead and we’ll load her bike in his truck. You’re good taking her home?
Imogen: Yeah, of course! Poor Alex, I hope she’s not in too much pain.

Panel 5 (Marcus leans in and hands a coffee to Eiji)
Marcus: We made sure they gave her the good drugs. She’s feeling great.
Eiji: Just make sure she stays off her ankle.

Panel 6 (low shot of the three of them standing together)
Imogen: Oh, she’ll love that.
Eiji: Well, do your best.