I honestly can’t believe I’m writing this: Motherlover is now complete!

That’s a wrap!

I’ve agonized for months on what to write here for this, the last page. Motherlover was created over seven years, largely with the support of patrons – and also with thanks to the incredible little community that cropped up around it too: people leaving comments, sending me email, sharing fanart, and coming to see me at conventions. I’ve treasured every comment and every story shared; I am humbled to receive so many stories of people who ‘needed’ this story at this time of their lives.

It is a unique and rare privilege to be able to complete a creative project from beginning to end, and even more rare to find others who care about it too.

This the kind of creative opportunity that changes the trajectory of careers. Changes lives. And it has! I could not have known seven years ago, haltingly sketching the broad idea for the story to my friends, that it would become what it did.

What an honor to be given the means to do that work.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. You made it not only possible, but worth doing at all.


What happens now?

Well! I’m sure you’re wondering what’s going to happen with Motherlover now! I’m happy to announce that the print edition of Motherlover will be on bookstore shelves in May 2025, from Iron Circus Comics.

I know that’s a long way off, but there are a few things you can do to make sure you get an update when it comes out:

1. Join the Iron Circus mailing list for announcements for all their upcoming books
2. Follow Iron Circus on BackerKit
3. Follow me on Patreon on the free tier, where I will update as the book is available! Yes, it is Patreon, but there is NO CHARGE for doing this – and you’ll only get emails about my projects!

As for conventions, the only thing on the books right now is that I’ll be headed to Edmonton in September for Edmonton Expo! I hope to exhibit at both TCAF and VanCAF as well (May 2025), as the print debut is that month, but that’s just my hope! If you join the free tier on Patreon, you’ll get updates on that too.


Follow me other places!

I’ll also talk about my comings-and-goings and new projects, including video games I’m working on, on Bluesky – I don’t really use many other social media these days (and we’re thankful for that), but you can find me reliably on this one.

I’m also still irregularly updating How Baby, my autobiographical comic about motherhood and identity!



And with that, I think that’s all there is to say. This little bubble of space we held weekly for seven years may be floating off into the sky, but I hope that I’ll see you again, on other projects, at conventions, or just milling around the internet.

Thank you, once again, though it can never be said enough – you helped make this happen just by being here.

Happy trails,
