Did I struggle with the decision to lampshade this chapter? Yes. But if they can do it in ATLA (“…everyone else went on a life-changing field trip with Zuko!”) then surely I’m allowed. 😀


Panel 1 (Alex and Eiji hug. She looks unimpressed.)
Eiji: It’s good to see you.
Alex: Is it?

Panel 2 (Eiji regards Alex with his hands on her shoulders. Her head is thrown back in frustration.)
Eiji: Don’t be like that. We’re still in the parking lot.
Alex: Oh my god.
Eiji: We can’t have catharsis and grow as siblings until at least halfway up the mountain.
Alex: Yes, I also read your book.

Panel 3 (Eiji waves over his shoulder as he walks away, as Alex angrily takes off her leather coat.)
Alex: I’m not going on a journey with you! I’m enjoying a nice family tradition with my brother and
the ashes of our dead parents!

And a bit of personal housekeeping: it didn’t affect Motherlover last week, but if didn’t catch it on my Twitter, I was in the hospital! Long story short, my esophagus is damaged from something, and had strictured to the point that no food could pass through, which earned me a very painful, lonely night in the ER. I’m currently fine and in no danger, but we’re still in the whole Process of figuring out what the cause of it is.

Updates may be more irregular, though I’m aiming for one Motherlover page and one How Baby strip a week. You can pledge $1 on Patreon to get strips emailed directly to your inbox so you don’t have to check back, or use a service like Comic Rocket, or you can follow How Baby on Facebook to put yourself at the whims of the algorithm – or just check back on the usual days and see what’s up – whatever works for you! Either way, I’m gonna keep doing comics as much as I can. <3