That’s a wrap on chapter twelve!! Thank y’all for coming on this journey with me still, and hello to everyone who started reading this chapter! I’m glad you all get to meet Lu now. 🙂

Motherlover will take the usual couple weeks break while I work on the next chapter! Check back in two weeks, or pledge a dollar on Patreon to get a batch of pages dropped straight into your inbox when they’re ready, hot off the presses.


Panel 1 (Alex raises her hands while Lu speaks)
Lu: It’s okay if you do. I like you better than my step-dad.
Alex: Whoa-hoh, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Panel 2 (Alex, extending her hand to Lu)
Alex: How about we start by talking to your mom about figure skating. And wearing your own clothes from now on?

Panels 3-4 (Lu looks surprised at Alex, then she smiles)
Lu: …okay.