(dramatic music increases, gayishly)


Panel 1, inset of Panel 2 (Imogen turns around to face the stranger – a beautiful woman who looks much like herself, but more gay. She has pink and purple streaks in her hair and a pin with the trans flag.)
Imogen: O-oh, tons, actually… but uh, for now… I’m just…
(her speech bubble is interrupted by a ringing sound effect)
Imogen: …browsing?

Panel 3 (Imogen takes out her phone)
Imogen: Hold on, I’m just going to get this.
Stranger: Take your time!

Panel 4 (close-up of Imogen’s phone, the incoming call screen reading ‘Eiji Alexsbrother’)

Panel 5 (Imogen walking away, trying to listen to the call)
Imogen: Hello…? …Eiji?

Panel 6 (Imogen, shocked)
Imogen: Wait, wait, slow down! She what?! I’ll be right there!