It’s epilogue time!! A little sweet dessert – and for Pride Month, too! <3
It’s been a TIME for me over here; last week, I had a total hard drive failure and “lost” all of my files. Luckily, since truly losing everything the last time my hard drive failed in 2013, I’ve been doing regular cloud backups – so it only cost $400 and 3 days to fix, rather than, you know, the entirety of this comic as well as everything else I’ve worked on in a decade. Hoo! Backup your data, folks. It’s worth it.
I’m feel awfully bittersweet about posting these last pages, to the point where I’m almost finding it hard to read your lovely comments because I too feel that sad pang that it’s coming to a close. Doing this has been such an experience, and an honor – not everyone gets the chance to finish their webcomic, and it’s all because of patrons and regular readers that I’ve been able to have this as part of my life. I hope that posting these will give us all some closure as we say goodbye for now – at least until the print run!
Panel 1 (Twins Adrian and Aidan, a little older than in the main comic plot, are playing a handheld video game under a bush outside. Inset panel, Imogen’s college, the sign reading CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES)
Off-panel v/o: Denna! Adie! Come on, it’s almost your mom’s turn!
Panel 2 (textless; a similarly older Nolan runs ahead of the twins, urging them to follow her to a buildling in the distance)
Panel 3 (textless; a view from overhead as Adrian and Aidan weave between people seated in rows)
SFU cameo!
I am going to miss these dorks.
I am so proud of Imogen for graduating WLW University and getting her queer doctorate. I am sure that’s how this works.