Chapter: Chapter 7: Rising Action
😍 😍 😍
That is all.
Panel 1 (Alex looking over her shoulder at Eiji, frustrated)
Alex: For your information, I’m doing well. I’m even making friends. The neighbour’s kids go to the same school as Nolan.
Eiji: That’s good.
Panel 2 (Imogen, dream-like, reclining on Alex’s porch with a cold drink, smiling softly at the viewer)
Alex, off-panel: Mmhmm.
Panel 3: (Eiji, looking up at Alex, who’s looking back at him)
Eiji: It’s gonna be hard when you move back to the city
Alex: What?
Someones catching the feels 😍. Also so so so many times I absolutely love the way you draw Imogine, from stretch marks and jiggly belly to big breasts that hang roll and rest in realistic ways. Its like wow, ive never seen a character drawn in a way that I can super relate to her body. Makes me happy.
Also, idealised. Or is that included in the “dream-like” bundle?
Alexis: Nolan goes to the same school as the kids of my SEXY, SEXY neighbour.
also “when” she moves back? geez ‘this is just a phase’ much? ugh
Way to make assumptions there, buddy.
Wait, why would she move back? What does he know that we don’t? I hope it’s only that he THINKS she will move because he thinks he knows her that much
I also wanted to show appreciation for how Imogen is drawn, I really love it
I have a feeling that it has something to do with the house being their parent’s. Like maybe they left it to both kids and he wants to sell it and split the profits or something like that.
Alex is having THOUGHTS about Imogen! I’m practically squee-ing right now 😆