Chapter: Chapter 9: Forsaking All Others
I made myself sad drawing the last panel!! You’re welcome!
Panel 1 (Imogen sits on the floor. Lucas is peeking out from his doorway, behind her)
Imogen: E-everything’s fine, Lulu. Just a little argument. We’ll be fine.
Panel 2 (Lucas, close-up, looking sad/doubtful
Lucas: …okay.
Panel 3 (Imogen looks up from the floor, determined to look brave)
Imogen: I’m so sorry you had to hear that. Mommy’s going to make it okay, promise.
Leave with the kids before John gaslights them about you.
Imogen, you’re going to be not just okay, but so-gay
oh no no, I’m afraid she isn’t going to leave him now… it seems she will try to “make this work”
oh well, let’s see
I think Lucas 100% already knows. He’s been unhappy about something this whole time..
I feel like there’s some level of understanding, yeah. As someone who grew up in a home that went bad, you definitely see the cracks forming, especially if you’re an older kid.
Man… I was pulling for Johnathan to just be neglectful while covering up a major illness instead of being actively awful. Hopefully Ginny can work something out.
I’m sure there is something bigger about Lucas and I think there may be w few possible outcomes:
1) Lucas is trans (transgirl or a nonbinary person)
2) is gay or bi
3) already know about Jonathan cheating but felt bad about it so he didn’t tell Imogen
4) has some kind of a problems in school that Imogen don’t know about
5) know something different about Jonathan that Imogen don’t know
6) is feeling bad about his place in the house – how he is literally momming his 3 younger brothers, has a lot of responsibilities and maybe can’t connect with Jonathan who is his step-father
It may be one of this or a few of them in the same time, but, for sure, there is something
1. has crossed my mind as possible, though I feel like if that were the case, Lindsay might be more coy about pronouns in the transcripts so as to not unnecessarily misgender Lucas.
Oh Imogen…
I feel like she knows it’s not fine but she’s been holding everything together so long (while being told that her efforts are without value and the only thing she could contribute) that she still feels like this is on her to fix. I admire her doing everything she can to not drag the children into this mess but GOD I want to hug her.