:O :O :O :O :O :O

That’s a wrap on Chapter 10!! Thank you for coming along with me for… good lord, an entire half year to get this chapter out. Y’all are troopers. Love you!!

ML will now go on its customary inter-chapter break, but it’ll be a shorter one this time – as we’re coming up on the days when ML needs to be fully complete and ready for publishing, I can’t rest on my laurels this year. I’ll be back in one, probably two weeks with the beginning of chapter eleven!


Panels 1-3 (textless; Imogen stoops to check her phone. Her hands shake as she reads the message)

Panel 4 (Alex, concerned)
Alex: What is it?

Panel 5 (open; Imogen looking over her shoulder, shattered)
Imogen: He… he wants a divorce.