Chapter: Chapter 16: Family Life
It pained me to draw this mfer again, but here we are.
Happy holidays!! I hope the end of the year is treating you well. As usual I am Tokyo Drifting into the holiday season and grateful for the rest.
(textless, as are most pages in the chapter; Alex, Imogen, Pika, Nolan, and one of the twins are on a walk. Suddenly, Imogen cringes and hides her face as they walk past her old house. Jonathan is on the front step in a bathrobe, conversing with a nice young lady in a short dress who is for sure probably his lawyer or something. Alex and Jonathan exchange stinkeyes, cut to Alex comforting Imogen while she cries)
“…Who is for sure probably his lawyer or something”. Yeaaaaaaaaaaah, suuuuuuure.
This is standard Lawyer Attire, in a suitable setting for discussing Confidential Lawyer Material under professional privilege, yesyes?
a… amogus hat…
The first panel is SOOOOOOO sweetie
Aww, and she’s drinking from a “Happy Mother’s Day” mug in the last panel.
Nolan’s hat is the best.
Jonathan is decidedly not the best.
who wore it best
based Jonathan.
Based on what?
Based on a garbage dump, that’s what.
Jonathan did nothing wrong.
Call me Alex the way I’m having sex with this ^ Jonathan’s ex wife