Chapter: Epilogue
Happy Wednesday, for one of the last times!! <3
Panel 1 (textless; Alex looks at the children as they return to their seats. She is holding a cooler on her lap)
Panel 2 (Alex fusses and wipes Adrian’s face)
Alex: You almost missed it!
Adrian: Sorry, mamma!
Panel 3 (Lu, older and with longer hair now, leans forward; an older Gavin is in the background wearing headphones and glasses, his hair grown out a little as well)
Lu: Mom goes near the end now, like me.
Panel 4 (the whole family, sans Imogen, snaps to attention as:)
Announcement: Imogen Weaver!

Am I witnessing an honest-to-glob happy ending in a webcomic?!
Hold on, they call Alex Mamma now?? “goes near the end like me” Imogen went back to her prev last name (same as Lu’s)???? And look at Lu so stoked to get her mom back from “he’s not my dad”!!!!!!

Lu looks so cute with her hair!! And they’re calling Alex Mamma aaaaa my heart!! And is Alex no longer wearing her parents’ rings?
Looks like she’s wearing one of the rings, as a necklace… I wonder where the other one might be?
Oh my gossshhhh, Lu looks so good! And happy! <3
This whole page has me in happy tears! Mama, Lu looking radiant, the whole fam together to celebrate Imogen. Well done!
Lu, love her. Also, makes total sense Lu always used Weaver, considering her different father.
Also, I love the callback. Imogen’s “it’s just boogers!” mom moment early in the series, and now Alex is able to do this sort of stuff that she was awkward with in the past. She’s learning, too!
omg you’re totally right – they’ve both come so far! The character development’s been Peak Slow Burn for so many different things beyond the romance.
OMG I love that Lu is wearing the same hairstyle Imogen had when the comic started! What a neat throwback!
omgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg my HEART
like three times in one page!!
Well, there’s no rings on Alex’s fingers, BUT there’s that new tattoo on her wrist… I’m guessing the two bolder lines are Alex and Imogen and the thinner ones are the kids – 1 on Alex’s side, and 4 on Imogen’s side. Pretty permanent commitment there. Also, it’s not as easy to hide under one-sleeved gowns as Alex’s other tattoos.
I totally missed that! Well spotted!
omg you’re right! So much subtext from such a simple design, especially the placement.
Also it looks like a ring on a necklace

So Lue changed her name to Weaver? That’s cute!
No, Lu’s name was always Weaver. Imogen changed her own name back to Weaver after the divorce.
What am I going to read now? This webcomic really gave me the warm fuzzies, such a beautiful story and ending.
Alex is Mamma now!!!!!!! My heart!!!!

I hope all is well, I’m on pins and needles waiting for the next page, even though I don’t want it all to end!