Nolan’s a narc!! And we learn more about Alex’s family.
Panel 1 (Alex rubbing her forehead while Mrs. Abrams comes out of the kitchen with a tray)
Alex: …I’m sorry. I should have remembered to invite you to the funerals. I know you were close when we were kids. It was just…
Panel 2 (Mrs. Abrams’ hand on Alex’s shoulder, who looks mildly unimpressed)
Abrams, off-panel: I know, dear. It’s an awful lot at once.
Panel 3 (Tea pouring into Alex’s mug)
Abrams: You and your poor brother. How is he holding up?
Panel 4 (Alex and Mrs. Abrams sit across the panel from each other, holding mugs)
Alex: …he wasn’t as close to them.
Abrams: Small blessings, I suppose. What did he end up doing?
Panel 5 (Alex making air quotes)
Alex: He’s an… “executive life coach.”
Panel 6 (Nolan chimes in holding a cookie, while Alex looks on in consternation)
Nolan, quoting Alex (in a smaller inset speech bubble): “Uncle Eiji fixes rich people’s lives, which is funny because he can’t even fix his own.”
Alex: Nolan.
Hah. Kids and their inconveniently good memories.
Given Alex’s facial expressions throughout this conversation (particularly how they’re described in the transcript), I get the feeling that she may not have the best memories or feelings towards Mrs. Abrams… or at least it’s more complicated than it seems.
I’d bet 1000 internet dollars the old lady has a history of being homophobic. Maybe not, but we’ll see.