me: starts this page two days early
also me: finishes it at exactly the same time as usual, because work expands to fill all available space
Anyway! Happy Wednesday! Have a better one than Imogen. <3
Panel 1 (textless; Alex looks up in concern, at Imogen who is off-panel)
Panel 2 (Imogen stands up with her purse, smiling softly)
Imogen: I’m! Going to go make a phone call. Go ahead and order without me.
Panel 3 (open; Imogen walks across the blank page in three images, becoming more distressed in each one)
Panel 4 (textless; Imogen pushes open the doors of the restaurant into the street outside)
Panel 5 (textless; Imogen rubs her eye with the heel of her hand, sighing)
Somebody please give Imogen a hug and listen to her talk about her day (I’m somebody)
Oh man, poor Imogen 🙁
oh no Imogen baby, you do a wonderful job showing her emotions, its fantastic I truly feel for her
poor Imogen indeed 🙁 :sendshugstoImogen:
Jeez good thing they did this BEFORE they end up dating, this is A LOT.
Also in before she phones her man and ‘the kids miss her’ and ‘come home if you’re not having fun’ etc etc :/
or she just makes something up..although that would be rough seeing how she didn’t drive there
but as someone who took care and helped in the taking of disabled family members the attitude of “homemaking isnt important or a real job” still burns to this day
Although when she looks back maybe shell realize that she has something a lot of people like them dont have ….a better reason to get up in the morning and people who care about her without the making a social statement antics that they were discussing on the way there