me: comics is about being efficient with your time
also me: this panel is one inch tall and contains an entire city block
Panel 1 (textless; Imogen looking over with a curious expression)
Panel 2 (textless; a busy city street corner with the same bookstore from Page 3)
Panel 3 (Imogen peers in through the door, which chimes as she enters)
Panel 4 (An employee hails Imogen as she walks through the crowded, dim bookstore among stacks of books)
Employee: Hi! Can I help you find something?
Imogen: Oh, no! I’m just… waiting for a friend!
Panel 5 (Imogen takes a seat in a comfortable armchair, among stacks of disorganized books)
Alex, over text message: are you ok?
Panel 6 (Imogen typing intently on her phone)
Imogen, text: I’m actually not feeling well, sorry!! I think if I eat something, it’ll be worse.
Imogen, text: I’m just gonna get some fresh air.
Imogen, text: Please say sorry for your friends for me. They seemed really nice.
Calling it: Imogen’s super-mum-efficiency kicks in and she supports all the books whole waiting.
So sorry for Imogen here, hope Alex understands
Imogen…. I’m so sad looking at this, I’ve been there so often