T-two-two splash pages in this chapter, hoo boy!! How much have you been waiting for this showdown, since, like, Chapter 2?
And with that, I’m going to do a little mini-break in the middle of this chapter – it’s a long one, so I need the time to sorta recalibrate before we get into some more meaty fun narrative stuff with Alex confronting Jonathan. Just one week, back on November 3!
Panel 1 (textless; close-up of a bouquet in the passenger seat of a car, fast food bag in the footwell)
Panel 2 (textless; close-up of Jonathan behind the wheel of the car; in the foreground hanging from the rearview mirror is a cross and one of those cheap paper air fresheners)
Panel 3 (huge textless panel; Jonathan steps out of the car and looks up at Alex, who is staring down at him from their back porch)
Too bad the garbage can behind Alex is full already
The contents (both current and future) might be somewhat compressible.
Alex’s expression is life.
I’m so glad that Alex is the one handling him. Imogen is still vulnerable enough where she might be affected by his manipulations and phony apologies. Alex isn’t going buy his crap for a second and is the perfect person to give him the verbal beatdown he so desperately deserves.
Can I just say good work on the dandelion fluffs!
I’m dying to see what will happen. He better shut up and listen but I’m sure he won’t. He’ll probably say something hurtful or that well make Alex doubt herself but I just hope she will eventually ignore whatever he has to say. And hope Imogen won’t be moved by the flowers
Kinda ironic with the cross in the windshield, (or fitting?)
I love the dandelion puffs, so pretty!!
Yep, showing up with flowers as if that’ll make anything okay. Ugh. Alex does not deserve whatever this guy is about to say.
Went for the flower route I see… >:/
Jonathan: cliché, garbage, cheap, empty, flighty
Alex: firm, resolute, taking out the trash
The symbolism on this page is just… *chef kiss* !! There may not be dialogue, but this page is shouting loud. Love it.
Alex entirely representing the readerbase there.
boy fuck off with those flowers!
I forgot about the week break, so when I came to check for the new page; when I tell you my heart was actually beating fast in preparation for this confrontation….
I am so excited despite it though lol
Looking forward to tomorrow