I seem to have this curse where, when I get ahead on Motherlover pages like I am now, I end up needing to use my buffer for some medical emergency. This time, I sprained my fingers pretty badly and can’t hold a pen, so I’m very glad for this many-weeks buffer so I can give it some much-needed rest. D:
Thank you for all the lovely comments on last week’s comic. Now that it’s all in the open, I’m so relieved that the Lucas (for now) mini-arc feels right for the people it needs to feel right for. Your comments were really heartening.
Panel 1 (Alex, looking pensive)
Alex: Um, actually… thank you for… you know. Trying to understand her…
Panel 2 (Imogen looks on at Alex, listening)
Alex: …instead of being disappointed. It… wasn’t always like that, in this house.
Panels 3-5 (Imogen slowly reaches out and wraps her arms around Alex)
Panel 6 (Lucas tries to sneak out from the basement behind them)
Lucas: Uh… I’m gonna… go outside. Sorry.
Panel 4 is Gay AF.
P.S Hope your hand feels better soon
Aw, Lu, no need to apologize. The adults are being ~cuddly~ and you just had a Big Moment™. It’s okay to want time to yourself. 💗 (Okay but also the third/fourth/fifth panels are gonna KILL ME 🤩🥰❤️).
that look if everything I’ve ever wanted in this comic. ty💛💛💛
thought they were gonna kiss already XD poor Lu
Yeah, me too.
I love Alex, guess we know that much more about how her parents felt about her orientation. Rough.
Guessing Lu might have thought the same thing several of us did.
I’ve loved this storyline, and I really hope that your fingers heal up quick!
Woo! I’m all caught up! Excited for new chapters! Found this comic yesterday, love it already!
And hope your fingers get better soon!