Hey, gang! First of all, thank you for your patience while I recovered from surgery. It was a surprisingly difficult recovery and I’m still not 100%, but I am at least able to focus on drawing again, which is a relief.
YES, we are finally at the fake dating chapter I had written in so many years ago, when I realized that I could incorporate whatever tropes I wanted to. Hooray! Poor Alex, she doesn’t know what to do with this information.
More pages to come in the following days!
This page features a cameo from patron Max and one of their family members, who has generously been supporting me at the top tier on Patreon. Thank you so much, Max! Your support – and everyone else’s! – keeps me able to keep making comics even when the industry, and the world, has made it so hard. I appreciate you so, so much!
Panel 1 (Sparrow kisses Alex’s cheek)
Alex: Sparrow, you made it.
Sparrow: I wouldn’t miss your triumphant return to the stage, darling.
Panel 2 (close-up, Alex and Imogen arm-in-arm)
Sparrow, off-panel: What’s this? No, don’t tell me. It was written on your faces the moment I saw her.
Panel 3 (Sparrow, flanked by two friends (thanks, patron Max!!)
Friend 1: Oh, is this a new girlfriend?
Friend 2: What does this one do?
Panel 4 (Alex, awkward)
Alex: Well, I…
“Panel” 5 (Imogen wrapping an arm around Alex, interrupting her cheerfully)
Imogen: Yep! I am! We’re madly in love!
Didn’t Sparrow meet Imogen earlier in the story? And Imogen said that she’s a mom?
That said, I am curious as to how this fake dating goes and then it soon turns into real dating!
It’s not Sparrow who’s asking.
Did not expect Imogen to pounce!! Omg omg omg this will be interesting to follow
she’s helping!!!!
Fake dating FTW! (Even if it’s just for a couple of pages)
Glad you’re back with us and at least starting to feel better.
Sparrow’s friends/partners, and their chokers and scarves, have this transfemme’s senses tingling (in a good way)
And whoof, I guess this is easier for Imogen than potentially dealing with all the pity, like four pages ago?
Is Imogen trolling? heh.
Aw, Imogen – if they’re going to make assumptions, you’re absolutely right to sow chaos and confusion!