Whew! That’s the end of my buffer, and unfortunately, it’s been a rough three weeks for me dealing with recovering from this surgery, so I haven’t quite finished the next batch of pages. Please bear with me while I get ahead again – I’ll just need a few weeks to get my feet under me, so I can get the next pages ready.


Panel 1 (Imogen loops her arm in Alex’s and laughs)
Imogen: Oh, I don’t think you’re that bad!
Alex: Hah! Thanks, but you’re not dating me.

Panel 2 (Imogen looks at Alex while she drinks)
Imogen: Tell them that.
Alex: For your own good, you should.

Panel 3 (Imogen and Alex move through the party, arm-in-arm)
Alex: How’s Lu? Did she call?
Imogen: She’s okay, for her first time looking after the boys. I know Jon is next door, but… you know, she’s not ready to talk to him.
Alex: Mm. I get that.

Panels 4+5 (Imogen and Alex look behind themselves, zoom in on Alex’s face, trepidatious)
Imogen: Is that… that’s Sparrow, right? Your friend?
Alex: Yep. It sure is.