Thank you so much for your patience! During the break, which was less of a ‘short break’ and more of a ‘take a whole entire break from everything, for once, thank god’, I did manage to fully complete this chapter before posting it, a feat that I have never managed but greatly, greatly hope to manage again, and again, until the comic is done!
I actually consulted a family lawyer for this chapter, so shoutout Danielle Glass for the legal assist! And also, this chapter features a cameo from long-time patron Allie Laabs. Thank you for your long-time support, Allie!
Welcome back, readers, I’m so happy you’re here and we can keep goin’ on this journey with Imogen and Alex together! <3
Panels 1-3 (textless, various images of a busy city)
Panel 4 (Through a door labelled ‘Family Law’, Imogen sits facing away from the viewer)
Voice: So if you left in March, that’s…
Panel 5 (Close up of a woman drawing her finger over a desk calendar)
Voice: …three, almost four months you’ve been separated already.
I’m psychically holding imogens hand 💜
glad you had a break and glad you’re back!
Woo-hoo, more Motherlovin’!
Welcome back!!
Very nice, and kudos on the research!
One of my best friends is going to get divorced in the next few weeks. The dude she’s leaving is… marginally? better than Jonathan, but that I even need to think about it isn’t a great sign.
Anyway, luckily, she’s got an extensive support network, so I am glad she’s going to be free, and I’m glad Imogen’s making it happen, too.
This was the high point of my week. Of course Alex found her a hell of a lawyer. I’m so proud of Imogen for taking the step.
Not on Twitter anymore, so what a pleasant surprise to see this back as I sip my Saturday morning coffee! Can’t wait to see where this chapter takes things