I didn’t wait to post this until mid-Wednesday! Look at me, improving.
Panel 1 (Eris plates the fish while Imogen sits at the island)
Eris: Yes, that’s one way to put it. Alex has trouble opening up to people. Even people she says she loves.
Imogen: Yeah, I’ve noticed.
Panel 2 (Imogen, hesitant)
Imogen: Um… can I ask what happened with you two? Every keeps bringing it up, but…
Panels 3-4 (Eris pauses in thought before answering, wiping the edges of the plates clean)
Eris: She’s not a bad person.
Panel 5 (open panel; a much younger Eris looks fondly at an equally younger Alex)
Eris: I just… tried, more than she did, for too long. We’d been friends before she got pregnant. Dated, kind of. Not really. That’s just what we were all like, back then.
Wooo excited to get more background on Eris and Alex 🙂
Saying she tried more than Alex did is one of those things where I get what she’s saying, but it also is like, yeah, I think it’s a good thing you two aren’t together, Eris, if that’s your takeaway.
(Of course, that isn’t being entirely fair, any more than she’s likely being here. There are wounds, and they were very fresh a scant few months back. If Eris was acting like things were hunky-dory, I’d question her honesty.)
I wouldn’t judge what she’s saying until she’s done telling her side of the story.
I can’t wait to see where’s this convo is going ! And I love that everyone thinks Amex and Imogen are dating ahah. Thank you ^^
Ooh 👀 nice catch!!
Oops, replied to the wrong post