Chapter: Chapter 17: The Beginning
It’s an engagement proposal on both New Year’s Eve AND Valentine’s Day! I couldn’t have planned it better if I tried. Happy love day, friends!
I’m ramping up for preparing for ECCC in a few weeks – I hope to see some of you there!
Panels 1-2 (Imogen, washing dishes, turns at a commotion in the living room)
Unknown, off-panel: Oh my god! Get up! Yes!
Panel 3 (wide angle of Eiji hugging Marcus and crying while people smile)
Eiji: I can’t believe I let you beat me to it!
Panels 4-6 (textless; Alex turns and waves at Imogen, smiling. Imogen returns the smile, then turns around and sighs to herself as Eiji hugs Alex)
I think we might be getting more than a midnight kiss.
I really love the feeling I’m getting from Imogen being completely colorless, and the text-bubble bouncing *around* her, while everyone else is looking at Eiji and Marcus. Like, disconnected, but not in a clearly good or bad way, considering her *own* marriage has *just* ended — omg, and she never finished telling Alex her news! AAAH I’M EXCITED NOW
+1 to everything you said! Love it!
Oh, Eiji, good for you.
I’m happy for Eiji, but at the same time, doing this during the NYE party that someone else is hosting feels kinda gross to me. Like announcing your engagement at someone else’s wedding, almost.