Happy Wednesday! Today… we remember how to draw a man.
Very much enjoyed last week’s speculation as to What’s Going On With Jonathan! Keep ’em coming.
Panel 1 (Alex and Imogen’s houses, from the street, at night. Alex’s house has lights on, Imogen’s doesn’t)
Panel 2 (Imogen bringing a stack of blankets into the bedroom, where Jonathan is)
Imogen: Blanket delivery! The twins are excited to sleep in the same bed again.
Panel 3 (Imogen laying a blanket on the bed, while Jonathan looks at his phone)
Imogen: Shouldn’t you be conserving power?
Jonathan: I can charge in the car tomorrow, and the power should be back on by the time I get home.
Panel 4 (Imogen shivers as she starts unbuttoning her shirt)
Imogen: Oooooh my gosh it’s so cold!! We should have stayed over at Alex’s, like she offered.
Panel 5 (Jonathan, raising an eyebrow)
Jonathan: It wasn’t necessary. It’s only one night.
I will bet nearly anything that its not going to be “just one knight”…
There is definitely something sketchy going on with Jonathan and paying the power bill.
If it’s “just one night” why not stay over?!
Power play. Literally. Given his constant texts when she was at the coffee shop in a previous strip, I’m betting this is partially his way of exterting control.
I wonder if he’s in debt for some reason, maybe a bad investment? Maybe he manages some things without telling her or something
Unless something like a line got snapped then getting power back on would literally be just calling the company and getting them to turn it back on. Even if he’s massively behind on his bill it would be as simple as saying he can pay ANYTHING and they would turn it back on for a bit.
Also, and speaking from much younger and dumber experience, at least here in Oklahoma 24 hours before the power getting pulled the power company usually comes out and hangs a PAY US NOW tag on the door to let you know that power is about to be pulled. Imogen would have seen that as she is home. Unless it came while she was out at lunch and Jonathan tossed it.
Either way this whole thing doesn’t sit right and I’m worried that he cut their power himself for some stupid reason.
Not always with the tag, unfortunately. I find this varies region to region. As for getting it back on, he may have made that very arrangement, which is why they said they’d turn it back on. Here, at least, they have to come out physically to do it so they may not have been able to come back until the next day.
I think he’s been hiding money problems. Using the credit cards to pay bills (at the coffee shop the card was declined. Might have hit its limit) and then running out of credit and power and water get shut.
If that’s the case, is he paying the mortgage? I also read the card getting declined as him controlling her access to funds.