Whew! That’s the end of my buffer, and unfortunately, it’s been a rough three weeks for me dealing with recovering from this surgery, so I haven’t quite finished the next batch of pages. Please bear with me while I get ahead again – I’ll just need a few weeks to get my feet under me, so I can get the next pages ready.
Panel 1 (Imogen loops her arm in Alex’s and laughs)
Imogen: Oh, I don’t think you’re that bad!
Alex: Hah! Thanks, but you’re not dating me.
Panel 2 (Imogen looks at Alex while she drinks)
Imogen: Tell them that.
Alex: For your own good, you should.
Panel 3 (Imogen and Alex move through the party, arm-in-arm)
Alex: How’s Lu? Did she call?
Imogen: She’s okay, for her first time looking after the boys. I know Jon is next door, but… you know, she’s not ready to talk to him.
Alex: Mm. I get that.
Panels 4+5 (Imogen and Alex look behind themselves, zoom in on Alex’s face, trepidatious)
Imogen: Is that… that’s Sparrow, right? Your friend?
Alex: Yep. It sure is.
And they were arm in arm through the crowd
Hmm, is anyone going to let them know they aren’t dating, too?
Kidding aside, I do love these two. I do also love how they’re calling Lu, well, Lu and staying on top of her pronouns. I’ve known so many people whose family, friends, coworkers, etc, said it was “hard to remember”, etc, as an excuse, but it’s repetition, repetition, repetition, same as anything else.
I’m loving these scenes and the time we’re getting to spend with Imogen and Alex. But… I’m so full of dread at the idea of something going wrong at home, and Lulu having to talk to Jon. I don’t know if there’s much of a time skip here or if Lu is presenting more feminine, but I’m just worried Jon is going to be hateful towards her.
I don’t think much time has passed at all, given Imogen’s hair and I think this particular event is why the broken heels were discovered, since Alex was looking for clothes for Imogen, right?
Rest up and take care of yourself! In the meanwhile, I’ll enjoy my gleeful anticipation of Sparrow’s entrance and whatever the look on Alex’s face implies.
Indeed, Alex, for Imogen’s own good, she should date you. XD
Indeed – doing nothing to help support the “we aren’t an item” assertion, there.
(that content was supposed to be a reply to Ava above. No idea what went wrong.)
I didn’t comment during the story of Lu’s coming out, but I want to finally say how much it meant to see my daughter’s experience reflected (in a small way) in these pages.